Email Templates

Swipeable Email Templates to Boost Your Business Growth

The standard email marketing return on investment (ROI) is $32 for every $1 spent. What is more, as per market research firm E-consultancy, marketers rate email marketing as the second easiest digital channel toward measuring ROI? So, not simply does email marketing pay fine, you could track how your resources are being used.

To be successful all you require are some strategic, high-performing email templates, and you are prepared to start growing. In this article, you will learn about vital email templates that can aid you to grow your business. Besides, for each one, you will get a swipeable email template that you could use today.

Welcome email

First impressions are constantly a big deal, particularly in B2B marketing wherever relationships, trust, as well as reputation is paramount. 

Whether it is a single send otherwise a series of emails, it is significant to give new subscribers a red carpet experience. Set the tone for the type of engagement they could expect from you, and give them a cause to keep opening future emails. 

It does not have to be complex or fancy to make an impression. Occasionally, as this instance from MBB shows us, a simple hello plus an invitation to engage further is sufficient to establish a connection.

Product curation email

One of the secret activities Amazon uses to make $177 billion in revenue for each year is their recommended products system. It is a brilliant up-selling feature that inspires people to purchase more from the site.

Several users visit Amazon in search of one product and finish up purchasing something completely different, all because of their suggested product feed that offers a curated list of products based on user purchasing habits and interests.

Many other eCommerce businesses use this similar strategy to bring in more clientele to their online stores by sending a curated list of products via email.

Zee & Co, the luxury designer clothing store sends a product curation email base on the products each user is currently viewing.

Brand updates

If your business is going through some changes, it is significant to keep your current clientele updated on what is happening. If you are going through a rebrand, changing management, discontinue a service, etc., you could reach out and explicate the changes to minimize any prospective negative influence they may have.

Brand updates can aid consumers gain and maintain confidence in a business that they buy from.

In general, most companies only send out brand updates when they are necessary. Others like to keep their subscribers in the loop by quarterly or annual updates of business happenings plus performance.

Lead nurturing email

Any savvy marketer distinguishes that your blog is how you reach prospective leads, plus your emails are how you nurture them. Lead nurturing emails are about offering deeper value to subscribers toward helping them turn into clientele.

Promote your most expensive resources to leads throughout email and it could drive other marketing goals as well. As per Quicksprout, leads that discover content through email is 3x more probable to share content on social media.

Product/service recommendations can also be incorporated into lead nurturing emails at the correct point in the sales funnel. Then you can make optimized landing pages toward drive sales from your email messages.

Abandoned cart follow up email

Sometimes, your clientele will browse your store, insert a few products to the shopping cart, and leave to never return toward your website again. Maybe they did not like the expensive delivery charges or they had to leave for an emergency plus forgot about the shopping cart.

This kind of situation happens more frequently than you might think. The shopping cart desertion rate for online shopping sites goes as high as 82.1% for definite industries.

This is why you require having a follow-up email made just for the users who abandon their shopping cart in the middle of their shopping experience.

Special occasions

Send out emails to your subscribers on a special occasion, for example, the holiday season, their birthday or anniversary, the back-to-school season, etc. These types of emails are ultra-relevant and can aid drive other marketing goals.

For instance, emails during November/December could help promote your products for holiday shopping. Emails that line up with significant life events can help motivate a subscriber to take action.

Survey email

Client feedback is a significant resource you can use for product progress and assessing product-market fit. Reach out to your present customers throughout the email to solicit feedback on the products/services they use.

You can moreover use surveys to better understand why the populace stops using your products otherwise disengage with your brand. 

If receiving feedback is very significant to your brand, you could always offer discounts or other incentives to inspire your subscribers to fill them out.

Limited time offer email

Generating a sense of importance in your marketing emails is another great way to get people’s awareness. It’s a marketing policy that uses a psychological hack toward tap into the FOMO (fear of missing out) in your clientele. After all, who would not jump at a chance to save a few dollars?

Many eCommerce businesses have a restricted time offer email, which highlights special offers plus sales by counting a countdown timer otherwise an end of the sale date.

Whether you are running an online store otherwise selling a single product, this is a must-have email for your special promotions. It will come in usable, particularly during seasonal plus holiday sales.

Dedicated emails

One of the finest things about email marketing is the capability to segment your audiences as well as deliver exclusive tailored content to them. If you send out similar emails to all your subscribers, you are seriously underutilizing your email marketing software capabilities.

Use insight about your subscribers’ demographics, on-site actions, and interests to send dedicated emails out to precise groups of people. Sending out VIP access toward your brand advocates is a good instance of this. Just recommending content otherwise products based on past behavior is one more example.

Amazon uses past download behavior plus machine learning technology to advise different genres of Audible content in their marketing emails.

But you do not need AI technology to drive insight from user behavior plus create dedicated emails customized to their precise interests. Generate these dedicated emails to drive precise behaviors from persons on your list.


You can use your email messages to invite subscribers to in-person events, webinars, social media live events, plus other exclusive gatherings. It is possible to promote these things on your home page, in-pop ups otherwise sidebars, but they are less likely to reach the populace who already have a strong interest in your business plus are likely to attend these events.

Email is the ideal place to present warm leads with invitations. Segment out your warmest leads as well as target them by event invitation emails to get signups.

Discount sale email

Many of your clientele will build a list of their favorite products in your store by adding items to their wishlist to purchase later. Udemy has a great approach in place to change these users into sales.

Whenever a user wishlists a course on Udemy, they send a follow-up email reminding them of their wishlist course. And occasionally, Udemy would give the concession to purchase that wishlist course at a lower price.

You can generate a similar email to retarget those visitors who make wish lists in your eCommerce store. Try following up with a coupon code otherwise a special offer.


The newsletter is a vital component of lead nurturing plus account development. It keeps your organization top of mind and acts as a powerful method for you to share updates plus new content. 

The finest agency email newsletter templates need to be flexible. It has to be capable to adapt to diverse updates and content you want to share. As this newsletter from Firebelly illustrates, an agency newsletter frequently includes blogs, product updates, client case studies, awards announcements, and more.

Order confirmation email

Order confirmation emails are similar to the sales receipts that you send to your clientele as proof of sale. This is an email that comes with a curtain open. Customers will constantly open their confirmation email to make certain their order went throughout correctly. So, why not use it to your benefit?

Your order confirmation emails do not have to be boring. You could use it to effectively upsell your other products otherwise even get your clientele to download your mobile app.

With an order confirmation email, you get the chance to reach a purchasing customer who’s already placed an order on your website. You have a great chance to encourage them to purchase from you again. Do not let that chance go to waste.

Social media emails

Many marketers do not realize that their email lists are not the only method to reach their audience’s inboxes. There are a lot of diverse ways to connect with your audience on social media platforms, and they will receive email updates as a result.

For instance, some people leave email updates from Facebook groups enabled. If somebody follows one of your topics on, they must receive regular email updates while you post new content. LinkedIn Groups moreover sends out regular email updates to group members.

If you are a LinkedIn Group administrator plus send out an Announcement, it goes right to members’ LinkedIn inboxes. If you generate a Google+ event, the invites moreover go right to people’s email addresses.

You must keep these social media touchpoints in mind while developing your marketing message. Targeting your audience through social media could give your emails a chance to get out of the “Promotions” tab (on Gmail’s interface anyhow).

Thank you email

Thank you email is perhaps the most commonly sent email of any business. Every business has one, plus often more than one.

There are numerous different thank you emails you could send on diverse occasions. You can send a thank you email while somebody joins your email list, or when a client sends a referral, or even when a client writes a review for a product.

As a bonus, add a coupon code in your thank you email to truthfully show your appreciation.

Promotional emails

The last and perhaps most significant email kind you can send out are promotional emails. It might appear counterintuitive for email marketers that are focused on lead nurturing.

But blatant product promotion works in email, since receiving special deals and discounts is one of the main reasons the populace sign up to receive emails from brands. Customers who purchase products through email also spend 138% more than those that do not receive email offers.

The key to sending out promotional emails is frequency. Do not spam your subscribers’ inboxes, and offer sufficient value plus scarcity to peak their interest thus they click through. 

You can simply do this with digital products as well through making the promotional offer accessible for a limited time (or for a limited amount of signups).

Summing up

Every original idea is a mixture of several inspirations. Thus, feel free to take motivation from these email templates to design valuable emails for your email marketing campaigns.

Certainly, not all businesses work the same. You might have to test a few email templates to find the most effective marketing email templates for your business. A/B split testing tools will aid you in that process. 

Email marketing aid drives more sales and grows your brand. Email marketing helps extend client retention and increase repeat sales. Email marketing permits you to get the most of both worlds through creating a flawless brand experience for your clientele. 

Some of the email types mentioned in this post must be familiar, whereas others might be a new chance to engage your subscribers. Regardless, the best policy is to use a diversity of email types together to deliver the correct kind of message to move leads down the sales funnel.

So pick and decide the best email marketing templates, then stitch them together into a more various email marketing strategy, complete with autoresponders plus trigger emails. Then see for yourself how they work together to develop your online business.

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