Google Analytics

Analytics Tools & Solutions for Your Business – Google Analytics

Have you heard about Google Analytics? Maybe or maybe not, so basically it is a web analytics service which helps you to track and then report site traffic. This service is offered by Google only and now as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand too. Many people use this best service given by Google on a regular basis for tracking the performance of their website. With Google Analytics, you can gain better insights into your business. The free SEO optimization tools in Google helps you to grow your business smartly. Even if you have a small budget, you can still take your business to greater heights. 

This service has the ability to generate around 85 different types of reports. This helps the user to develop all the possible data about the website traffic. By using this service, this will not only track a visitor or the number of page views but also can be used to see which content gets the most visits, the time on the website and which ads are driving the most viewers to the site. By tracking the performance of the marketing campaigns also helps you in AdWords, Adsense, and emails too. Many people also find difficulties too, how to use it, what are the benefits? So below are some of the ways which can help you to improve your business with the best services of Google Analytics. 

If you have created any website, then it will have a chance that you may be already using this service. As per the reports, there are around 40 million sites that use Google Analytics. But there are many website users who are still struggling to understand this service. First, let us talk about the benefits it offers and we will see in brief about the solutions and tools. 

How Google ads can push your business to heights

 Regarding the cost

As you will see about Google Analytics, you will notice that it is absolutely free! No charges have to be given by any user to use this service. You just have to log in with your Gmail account and the ability to install a tracking code on the site and then you can start.

• The data visualization benefit

Data is the most important thing for anyone to save it and thus the second best thing in this. This gives you the present metrics in various types, for example, lists, charts, graphs, pie charts, spreadsheets, and many more things. This allows the user to see how the site is performing every day. 

• Reporting of the performance

This benefit allows you to draw conclusions from the data visualization. By comparing the metrics any user can easily collect insights and identify all the causes as well as corrections that are needed. As this gives you every day reports and then you can compare any set of data. 

• Real-time 

The process of collecting data is ongoing with the help of Google Analytics, by creating reports, comparing metrics, and then checking the performance on any type of basis you want. This can be done on an hourly basis, daily, monthly, yearly, or quarter after quarter. With this benefit, you can easily associate the website traffic changes with specific campaigns. And further you can take note of trends across any time and then cater reports of your organization’s reporting periods. 

As far as your business, it really helps you in many things just like mentioned above. More benefits are like for your target audience (which includes demographics, interests, and behavior), your website channels, pages, and technology as well. 

Above mentioned are the benefits, you can also read about it in brief for better knowledge. There are various tools used for business and they are differentiated in two categories.


First, we should know what is debugging? Many people may have heard this word but some people haven’t. so getting a better knowledge about Google Analytics needs proper knowledge of the things it offers. Debugging basically helps you to test and debug the target program. This includes some following tools:

• Tag assistant

It helps you to create, validate, diagnose, and then troubleshoot your analytics data on each page of the website. After deleting the actual problem and then creating a recording, you can also verify it again. It helps you to check whether your tags are firing correctly or not. 

• GA debugger is the second tool

After knowing about the tag assistant another is the debugger which can easily enable the debug version of the analytic data. It is so amazing as you don’t have to make any changes to your tracking code again and again. This helps you to debug the sites by you and then see how other websites have implemented this service. You can also see videos regarding the use of debuggers. 

• Third is a wasp

This tool is basically added to chrome, as this application is very useful in exploring and then tracking issues. If you see this feature it will look beautiful and use this feature many times to understand better. 

• Datalayer inspector

This feature is so good for the users as it is the latest ad-on. You can use this for many things. you can search for questions like what is sent to the GA? When are these pushes happening? These are some of the things you can ask. It also implements GTM in a better as well as quicker way. 

These are the same tools in the debugging section, you may also find tag manager injector, screaming frog, Ghostery, RegExr, and many more. 

The second category is Reporting which includes:

• URL builder

With the help of this feature, you can find many online campaign builders, as this tool is quite helpful for anyone. The benefits you get are it quickly generates campaign URLs that are based on the current one. And other than this you can also create and then share quick sets of campaigns by tracking parameters for building new URLs. 

• The table booster

The tool evaluates the performance of a specific dimension on a single or more metrics. This helps you to work on charts like Z-test, bar chart, heatmap, and comparison. 

• The PII Viewer

You may not know that what is PII, it’s basically Personally Identifiable Information and it is strictly forbidden on GA. This helps to track the ID stored which is locally stored PII, for example, name and email address.

Below mentioned are some solutions from which you can improve your business with the help of paid marketing tools.

How can you easily stack up with your competition? 

For this task, you have to use the benchmarks tab as this will help you to know how you are doing as compared to other competitors. But yes this data will not be 100% accurate as not all the site owners will not be using this service. But it’s really useful too, as by giving a general perspective on your website. The GA will help you to know more and less website traffic as compared to other sites. Comparing things like average time on the website by which you can know how to stack up against other sites with your viewers. But here you have to make some changes to improve the site. 

Where do viewers live?

Many people may think that all the viewers are from the same place but this is not true. As to find out what is true you can use the Audience in the sidebar and then click Geo then location. And by this, you can also get more information as well, like if your business in the UK then doesn’t mean all the viewers are from there. The majority of people will be from there but not all of them. With the help of this, you can verify how your business is expanding. And also how your business affects these specific people. 

People who are buying and others who are just doing window shopping?

If you have a business in which your product and service are for a one-time purchase, then you want new viewers on your site. But if you want the same buyer then your aim should be to increase the returning viewers count on your website. As you will see and try to understand the things the second option will be best for anyone, as it is easy then the first one. This helps in identifying who is buying your services or products, who is returning to buy again, and who is just browsing and then leaving your site. You can also use cookies or referrers for better information. 

How many people are leaving your site in less time?

Maybe your website gets more traffic which helps you to increase your salebut at that point in time too how quickly they are leaving is also important to know. The rate at which people leave your website is the bounce rate and also check the time on site as well as the time-on-page. By this, you can upgrade your website by changing your design or product. And this will help you to increase your viewers and increase your revenue.

Are you compatible with the correct browsers?

You may get more knowledge and get an expert or advanced computer user but your visitor maybe not. By this, you will get to know that your website is displaying the things correctly or not. As in the current situation chrome dominates the web most as it has around 60% of the worldwide share and everyone is using. 

Compatible with the right screen or not?

As compared with the old days you will find that now people are using high-resolution flat-screen monitors, laptops, and mobile phones to browse the web. In GA the screen resolution section will be really useful to see the resolution your visitors are using. This helps in two different ways; one is to see the space on the websites. This will help your visitors to see more as they can have giant screens and then you can use that space to add more things. Another thing is if your customers use mobile phones or low-resolution monitors then you have to optimize the small screen size. And by knowing both the things you have to design in a responsive way that anyone can adapt to the dimensions.

What products or services would interest your customers?

Once you get to know all the likes and dislikes of your customers and by this, you can offer new things too. You can also offer other complement items, as some customers may like a particular product or service. This will help you to increase more sales and it is easier to upsell your regular customers than new customers. 

What causes your visitors to leave your site?

By creating a call to action and adding more links to other platforms on your site. This helps you to understand your customers in a better way and you will get to know what changes are needed on your website. You can also choose the option of Google website optimizer or SEO optimizer to work in a better way.

With the help of Google Analytics, you can connect with types of users’ actions, and this will automatically help you to know the percentage of users. Your user flow will be improved by better information. 

Some analytics solutions with the help of Google Analytics

They include two different categories one is paid and another is free, and people can easily differentiate between them. 

• Google Analytics 360- it is for paid products

 Google Analytics- it is for free products

Basically for the first one large enterprises are the audience as it offers integrated data and marketing analytics products with one user experience. This has been verified with all the needs of the audience. 

In the free product categories, small and medium-sized businesses are the audience. In this, you will get to know how people engage with the business online through sites or apps. It is easily managed and updated by the google manager. Google optimizes always help you to run site experience with A/B testing tools. The option of Google data studio which turns the data into visual dashboards and reports that will be easy to share.

Final thoughts

With this guide, you might have got an idea of the importance of Google analytics. You can do wonders in your business with the help of advanced Google Analytics features. You can also opt for other analytics platforms, but why go anywhere when Google gives you the free tool to grow your business. Being in a business, you must have some goals to achieve GA can help you to set and achieve those objectives. In a nutshell, it helps you to solve all your business-related challenges.

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