Top 10 Technical SEO Experts

Top 10 Technical SEO Experts

Are you disappointed that your website isn’t getting the attention it deserves despite your efforts with SEO?

Well, It’s a common concern among website owners who are keen to connect with their audience online but find their efforts falling short.

We all know that SEO is essential to making your website visible to search engines and above the competition. However, more than simply focusing on on-page and off-page SEO is required. There’s another crucial component: technical SEO. 

Technical SEO is the backbone that ensures your website meets the modern search engine requirement. It includes the crawling, indexing, rendering and website architecture. Additionally, it also improves the user experience, making the website faster and easier to use on mobile devices.

It is all technical, so your website needs an expert, not an imposter who makes a fake promise. A professional SEO specialist understands your website’s needs and creates a customized plan to improve your website’s ranking. Finding someone with the right expertise in this area can be like finding a needle in a haystack.

Feeling overwhelmed?

Don’t be. Ease your burden and explore our list of the Top 10 technical SEO experts to minimize your struggle. Read this article until the end. We promise that you will get all your answers to the queries.

Stay Tuned In!

List Of The Top 10 Technical SEO Experts

  1. Mandeep Singh Chahal 
  2. Neil Patel 
  3. Rand Fishkin 
  4. Brian Dean  
  5. Barry Schwartz 
  6. Danny Sullivan 
  7. Matt Cutts 
  8. Stephan Spencer 
  9. Eric Enge 
  10. Mehboob Ali Shar 

Mandeep Chahal, aka The SEO King, is one of the popular names of the best TECHNICAL SEO experts in India. He is proficient in various aspects of SEO, including technical SEO and on-page SEO. With 22 years of experience, he is a master of SEO. He assists over 1000 businesses struggling with issues such as crawling and indexing on search engines. With his deep understanding of technical SEO, he spots and fixes issues like internal linking, duplicate content issues, auditing the site performance, code issues, HTTPS issues, and more. 

Apart from that, he is the CEO of SEO Discovery, a well-known Digital marketing company in the SEO field. It offers SEO, Local SEO, PPC, Web design services, Web analytics, and more. Furthermore, he does not leave behind social media platform services; his service extends to social media optimization and influencer marketing. Throughout his company, he expands his knowledge to the younger generation and introduces new technology from time to time as per market trends. 

Mandeep’s name is featured in the top magazines such as Forbes India, Hindustan Times, the Hindu, and more. With his knowledge, his contribution skyrocketed the business from small business to enterprises. If you’re struggling to improve your website’s visibility despite hiring an agency, consider booking an appointment with him, and you’ll see the difference.

Neil Patel

Neil Patel is a well-known entrepreneur and author who has made a name for himself in the world of SEO. When it comes to finding a technical SEO expert, Neil Patel’s name comes in as the top technical  SEO expert. Through his writing skills, he makes complex website optimization techniques accessible to everyone.

Also, as an author, he was recognized as a New York Times bestselling author. All in all, he is the founder of NP Digital, which helps businesses grow their revenue. Besides, he is a co-founder of Crazy EGG, Hello Bar, strides, and KissMetrics.

In the digital world, Neil plays the role of a friendly mentor. He shares practical and easy-to-follow tips that empower website owners to enhance their online presence. Just like a supportive coach rallying a team, Neil encourages and guides website owners through the complexities of SEO, assisting them in overcoming obstacles and reaching their objectives.

With his guidance, even those new to website ownership can confidently navigate the competitive digital landscape, implementing effective strategies to improve search engine rankings and attract more visitors.

Rand Fishkin

Rand is a leader in making websites better through technical SEO. He started Moz and SparkToro, so he really knows how search engines work. Moreover, he has a deep understanding of technical SEO  that helps. Think of him as an explorer in the SEO jungle, trying out new things to see what works. Rand isn’t scared to try new stuff. 

He’s always testing out fresh tactics to find smart ways for websites to get noticed online. By pushing boundaries and being open to change, he helps websites keep up and succeed in today’s digital world, where things are always changing. With Rand’s insights and strategies, websites can adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving online landscape.

Brian Dean

Brian is considered one of the top technical SEO experts worldwide. Additionally, he is also a popular name among digital marketers and renowned for his data-driven approach to website optimization. He’s like an architect meticulously designing blueprints for websites to reach new heights in search engine rankings. His technical approach to the website, such as resolving crawling and indexing issues, optimizing a website, and fixing HTTP issues, helps to boost the website’s ranking.


By conducting thorough keyword research and creating high-quality content, Brian ensures that websites not only attract more visitors but also provide value and relevance to users. Furthermore, he emphasizes the most critical factor, user experience and engagement, which results in sustainable growth and long-term success for websites across various industries.

Barry Schwartz

Barry is a respected figure in the SEO community, especially when it comes to understanding how search engines like Google work. He’s the brains behind Search Engine Roundtable, a place where people gather for website help. 

His expertise in technical SEO makes him the best SEO specialist who knows all the secrets to making your website shine online. He’s fantastic at breaking down complex ideas into simple terms, helping you dodge errors and boost your website’s visibility. 

Barry stays on top of the newest trends and updates online, guiding you through the tough competition and ensuring you make the best choices to grow your website. When it comes to specialized SEO, he’s like your ideal partner, ensuring your site is structured and optimized for maximum search engine love.

Danny Sullivan

Danny is a veteran journalist and digital marketing expert, also named in the top 10 technical SEO experts. Additionally, he is often referred to as the “Godfather of SEO.” With his extensive knowledge of search engine algorithms and online marketing strategies, Danny helps website owners communicate effectively with search engines. 

Similar to a skilled translator bridging the gap between different languages, Danny ensures that websites convey their relevance and value to search engines in a language they understand. He helps websites increase their visibility and draw in more organic visitors by optimizing their content and structure to search engine preferences. This leads to the growth and success of businesses.

Matt Cutts

Matt is among the best technical SEO experts out there. He is a software engineer and former head of Google’s webspam team, known for his expertise in combating spam and improving search engine quality. In the present time, he helps website owners understand how to boost their visibility without resorting to shady tactics. 

Think of him as a trustworthy guide in the jungle of online marketing. His advice can be a game-changer for websites looking to climb the ranks on search engines. By following his lead, website owners can avoid penalties and keep their online presence strong. Matt’s expertise helps create a fair playing field where websites can shine based on their quality and relevance rather than tricks or shortcuts.

Stephan Spencer

Stephan Spencer

Stephan is a digital marketing consultant and author who knows all about making websites stand out online. He is a technical SEO expert who helps many businesses solve website errors, bringing together different parts of SEO to make everything work smoothly. With his skills in technical stuff, content planning, and building links, Stephan makes sure every aspect of a website fits together perfectly. 

This not only helps websites rank better in search results but also makes them more user-friendly. By organizing the website well, creating great content, and making it easy to navigate, Stephan helps websites get more visitors from search engines. This means more people checking out what the website has to offer, which can lead to more sales or whatever the website is aiming for.

Eric Enge

Eric is a prominent name among top technical SEO experts and the founder of Stone Temple Consulting. His technical expertise and problem-solving skills help with website optimization. 

He’s like a skilled mechanic who diagnoses and fixes issues to ensure websites run smoothly and efficiently. With his in-depth understanding of website architecture, performance optimization, and technical SEO, Eric helps websites overcome obstacles and improve their online presence. 

Eric makes sure websites provide an optimal user experience and are more visible on search engines, which increases traffic and engagement. He does this by fixing technical issues with crawlability, mobile responsiveness, and site speed.

Mehboob Shar SEO Specialist

Mehboob Ali Shar

Mehboob is one of the top 10 technical SEO experts, known for his creative tricks in digital marketing. With his smart ideas and careful planning, Mehboob helps websites get noticed in the busy online world and connect with the right audience. 

By creating engaging content to read, making websites look great, and using pictures and videos smartly, Mehboob assures that visitors remember the site and get involved. Moreover, all this means more success for businesses online, with more folks visiting, chatting, and turning into customers.

Final Verdict!

Technical SEO isn’t something you can ignore if you want your website to rank well. Google pays attention to sites that offer the best user experience and are error-free, indexing them for search engine results. However, achieving this isn’t straightforward. It requires the expertise of a professional SEO specialist who can analyze your site, identify any issues, and fix them effectively. Don’t waste time searching aimlessly; instead, check out our carefully curated list of 10 Technical SEO Experts. They’re skilled professionals who can help optimize your site, ensuring it meets the standards that search engines like Google value, ultimately boosting your visibility and driving traffic to your website.


Technical SEO is the practice of optimizing a website’s technical aspects to improve its search engine visibility. Its best practice helps resolve issues related to website infrastructure, such as site speed, crawlability, indexability, and site architecture. Additionally, it allows the website to crawl, index, and rank its content.

  • Technical SEO encompasses various elements, including:
  • Website speed: Ensuring fast loading times for better user experience and search engine ranking.
  •  Mobile-friendliness: With the increasing number of mobile users, it’s important to optimize the website for mobile devices.
  • Crawlability and indexability: Providing search engine bots can access and index all relevant website pages.
  • Site structure: Organizing the website’s architecture logically and hierarchically to facilitate navigation and indexing.
  • URL structure: Creating SEO-friendly URLs that are descriptive and easy to understand.
  • Schema markup: Adding structured data markup to the website’s content to improve it and provide search engines more context. 
  • XML sitemaps: Creating XML sitemaps to help search engines discover and index website pages more efficiently.
  • Canonicalization: Resolving duplicate content issues by specifying the preferred version of a webpage.

Do you ever find a website that you think is related to your query but the loading speed is slow? Do you wait for the website to upload or do you just skip it? The answer to this question is yes; you can skip it and find another site. The moral of the story is that website speed is critical because it helps to improve the user experience. It also allows the search engine to recognize the website. So, when it comes to the ranking of the website, Google prefers a website that has fast loading speed and good search engine optimization.

Most users use their mobile phones for searches. One factor that you need to take into account is Mobile-friendliness. It refers to how well a website performs and displays on mobile devices. With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets for browsing the internet, search engines prioritize mobile-friendly websites to lead to a positive user experience. Websites that are not mobile-friendly may experience lower rankings in mobile search results.

Crawlability, also known as web crawlers or spiders, is the process by which search engines can read your website content, such as text, images, videos, or other file types. For easy access to your website, it’s important to remove any technical obstacles that may prevent them from doing so. Here are some ways to improve crawlability: Fix broken links, Enhance site navigation Use robots.txt Resolve crawl errors reported by search tools such as Google Search Console.

Indexability refers to whether search engines can add website pages to their index. It is important because only indexed pages can appear in search engine results pages (SERPs). Optimizing indexability involves ensuring that all relevant website pages are accessible to search engine bots and that there are no barriers preventing them from being indexed.

A clear and organized site structure can positively impact SEO in several ways. It helps search engines understand the hierarchy and relevance of website content, improves crawlability by providing a logical framework for navigating the site, and enhances user experience by making it easier for visitors to find relevant information.

Schema markup is a structured data markup that gives search engines additional information about the content on your website. It helps search engines to understand the meaning of your content. This assists search engines to rank your website higher in search results with rich snippets like star ratings, reviews and product information. These rich snippets can improve your click-through rates as well as overall SEO performance.

XML sitemaps serve as a roadmap for search engines. They assist them in discovering and indexing website pages more efficiently. By listing all the important URLs on a website along with metadata, such as when they were last updated, XML sitemaps help search engines prioritize crawling and ensure that all relevant pages are indexed.

Another important term in technical SEO is Canonicalization. Canonicalization helps to solve duplicate content problems. If you have duplicate content across several URLs, search engines may penalize you. Canonicalization allows you to specify the preferred version of your website (canonical URL). This way, search engines will index the right version of your page and consolidate your ranking signals.

Technical SEO forms the foundation for other SEO strategies such as content optimization and off-page SEO. By ensuring that the website is accessible, user-friendly, and optimized for search engines, technical SEO lays the groundwork for other optimization efforts to be more effective. For example, ensuring proper crawlability and indexability can help search engines discover and rank optimized content more efficiently.

Commonly used tools for technical SEO analysis include:

Google Search Console: Provides insights into website performance in Google search results, including crawl errors, indexing issues, and search queries.

Bing Webmaster Tools: Similar to Google Search Console but for Bing search engine.

Screaming Frog: A website crawler tool that analyzes on-page SEO elements and identifies technical issues.

SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz: All-in-one SEO tools that provide features for technical SEO analysis, including site audits, backlink analysis, and keyword research.

Various website auditing tools: There are many other website auditing tools available that can identify technical issues and provide recommendations for optimization. These tools can range from free to paid options and can be used to perform comprehensive technical SEO audits of websites.

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