Social Media Marketing

The Best Tips on How to Increase Instagram Followers

In the past few years, there has been a huge impact on people concerning social media. It has proved to be a great influence on people. Over the years, people have been engaging themselves a lot on social media. At every stage in time, certain platforms of social media are going to top the trending list. Once upon a time, the people were very much into Facebook. Similarly, when we see the trend today, there are a lot of people who are using Instagram.

Instagram has proved to be a great platform for people. Even the tag of “Instagram influencers” has been doing the rounds everywhere. Over the years, the people who have been trying to spread goodness in the world have been using Instagram as one of their main platforms. 

Once you create a page on Instagram, you will have to start posting the content that you create. If people like the content that you make, they will choose to follow you. But over the years, there have been a lot of pages that are being created and the reachability has been decreasing a lot. There are a lot of people who are doing the same thing and coping up with the competition. It is important to like the space that you are in and do things at your own pace and be satisfied with the people who like you. But ultimately, the people will have a whole new level of confidence and motivation if they are appreciated for what they do. In the platform of Instagram, the appreciation comes in the form of followers, Instagram likes, and shares.

Here are a few of the things which you can do to increase Instagram followers

1. Be Regular in what you post

The people are all very much excited and wanting to hear out from their favourite content creators. The people are looking forward to seeing what is new from the creator. If you are not being regular in what you post and what you put up, the people will get tired of waiting for you and they will be looking for other alternatives like someone else who is doing the same thing as you. And even for you, you would not want to keep your followers waiting for you like that. You would want to satisfy them and make them happy which is ultimately going to make you happy. You can choose to pre-record all your content and then post your content daily. You need not make new content every day, you just have to make sure that you just post it. You can choose your strategy on how you want to do it. Ultimately, this is going to make a huge impact on your followers. This is going to make the people stay connected to you and see that they are going to be loyal to you too.

 2. Try Different Types of Content

There are a lot of options on Instagram. Over the years, Instagram also has been constantly developing itself so see that it is making itself very useful for the users in the best way possible. Many features have been added and are being very useful for the people. Before, the photo posts were only available. Later the users could upload videos that are shorter than one minute long. There was not much one could do within one minute but the people tried and gave their best. Seeing this, Instagram has made it much easier for the people by introducing the IGTV videos section. This has proved to be very useful and one can upload videos that are long enough and can convey enough matter to their increase Instagram followers. The story feature on Instagram is also pretty convenient and attractive. The people can make sure that they are being creative in putting up their stories as well. There is a lot of scope on Instagram and it is going to be very useful for the creators if they know how exactly they are going to use it to their benefit as such.

3. Live Sessions

Instagram Live is one of the most interesting features of Instagram and one which can influence your followers very much. These live sessions are going to be very useful if you are going to be creative. One can see to it that they are going to be in the moment and go with the flow as such. This is going to be very useful because the people who follow you are all going to see the content that is pre-recorded and that is all polished. They do not get to see you live in the moment or how you would react when the moment comes. The live sessions are a great way to fix that and they are going to be very useful. The fact that the people who are seeing you live can request to be on your video and you can pick some of them is great too. This way, increase Instagram followers will get to interact with you and have a better connection. The ones who could not make sure that they are going to ask you some questions that they have in their mind while in the session itself and you can choose to answer it. There is an option where you can see to it that you are going to collaborate with others and make a live session together with them.

4. Quality use of Hashtags

Instagram hashtag is one of the most important things to note when you want to reach out to a better audience. The ones who are already following you will check your content. Even if your content does not appear on their feed which they scroll, they will see that they search for your page and then open it to view your content. They might even share your posts on their stories and promote it from their account which will reach out to a larger audience. But from your side, if you want to increase the visibility of your account then you should make sure that you are using the hashtags.

How hashtags work: You should see that you are using the hashtags that are appropriate to the posts that you are creating. They should match the posts. Once you use these hashtags, the post that you create will be visible to all those people who are following the hashtags. This is going to increase your audience for that matter. There are a limited number of hashtags that you can use on Instagram. The number is limited to 30. If you want to make sure that you are getting greater visibility, you should see that you are using the one which is trending in the genre. The number to increase Instagram followers for the hashtag is going to be visible and the people should make sure that they are keeping this in mind before they choose to use it for that matter. 

 5. Try to Collaborate with Different People

As everyone knows that there are a lot of content creators out there who are working in the same line, you should collaborate with them. This has a lot of benefits and here are a few of those benefits:

  1. Since this is such a broad field and there are so many people, there could be a possibility that few people know the others and not know you. If you collaborate with them, the people who are viewing their content will see your potential and will redirect to your page. This is going to increase the number of followers that you have and it is one of the smartest ways to do so.
  2. Different people are going to have different ideas about the field. By collaborating, you can see to it that you are exchanging your ideas and also exploring the field that you are in. This is going to give you a better perspective and it is very much advisable that you do it.
  3. The audience might be having two or more favorites in the same field and collaborating and is going to make it very much easier for them and they will have some fresh type of thoughts in them which will influence them. Therefore, for the sake of your audience, it is very much necessary to try out new things like this.

This is one of the major trends that is going on. This will help you promote your pages and bring in a lot of activity on your page.

 6. Use your Analytics

If you have a page on Instagram, then there is a lot of analysis that is going to happen on your page. Instagram shows you how well your post is doing, the number of people who are viewing it, and the actions that are being taken from the post. It is even going to show you the number of people who have been visiting your page. This is very useful for you as a creator because if you know the reach of your post, you will be able to work on making better content which is, in turn, going to increase the number of followers on your page. The analysis that is done by Instagram should be taken seriously and you should try to rectify your mistakes daily which will thereby improve the performance of your page.

 7. Contests and Giveaways

This is one of the best ways in which you can increase your followers on Instagram. You can host some contests because of which the people can interact with you and have a sort of personal connection with you. Many upcoming people admire your work and want to become like you. It is important that along with your personal growth you help others also come up with what they like. Having such kinds of competitions helps them gain confidence and you can also have a personal connection with the people that like you. The giveaways are also going to play a major role. These could be some gifts that you are going to give to those who have won the contest or it could just be you choosing from the ones that you think are worthy of winning.

 8. Be Creative

It is a given fact that you have to be creative in this field. There are some tips and tricks which you will have to follow to get there:

  1. It is always necessary that you follow the trend that is in the market. Every time, there is a certain kind of trend that tops the market and you should be intelligent enough to follow those.
  2. Voicing out your opinion is going to matter a lot. If there is any social issue that is happening, then you must voice out your opinion. You are an influencer and there are a lot of people who are waiting to hear it out from you. It need not match with their opinion but it is important that you at least speak about it and address the issue as such.
  3. Be as polite as you can in your reach to the people. It is important to have the right attitude to influence the people and see that you are going to bring about a change in them.


This is one of the overwhelming things to do and you should see that you are doing justice to what you are posting. This is a very influential platform and you should be very careful about what you are sharing. You should see to it that you are not hurting the feelings of anyone in the process. The best way to increase Instagram followers is to make sure that you have the right kind of mindset. Even if you are very good with your content, if you do not possess the right attitude, it will take you nowhere. This is very important to remember.

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