SEO Agency

Mistakes You Should Avoid When Doing SEO

First of all, what is SEO? Also known as Search Engine Optimization, it is the natural positioning in search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing, intending to improve the visibility of your website or blog.

Surely not the first time you have heard of this term. It is also quite likely that you have read a few articles on how to position your website. But today we are not going to talk about what you have to do, but about some aspects that you must avoid so that Google does not penalize you. Are you ready to improve the SEO of your website? Let’s go for it.


At this point, you may have considered that the positioning does not go with you, but we are going to make you change your mind. The main reason for doing it? We all search the Internet for information before deciding on our purchases. And if not, ask yourself, how many websites do you visit before buying a pair of sneakers or a mobile phone? Surely many and, also, surely you end up buying on one of the pages that appear in the first place.

Being in the top positions means that the content you share is useful to both users and search engines. So, if you work on your organic positioning, you get your brand or company to be better known among users. The goal is for your buyers to find you, to attract them to you non-intrusively through inbound marketing.


There are many mistakes that we have all made at one time. Google is always evolving and what is the good practice today probably won’t be in a couple of years. If any of the following actions continue to be maintained, it is time to correct it.


It does not matter if you are reusing your content or an interesting text from another person or agency that you liked. Copying content penalizes you and you should avoid it, not only because of Google’s algorithm but also because both you and your information lose prestige. Be original and don’t risk it.

If you want to emphasize the importance of your previous content, you only have to link it internally, as long as they are relevant and add value. If you are talking about the latest fashion trends, there is no point in feeding content links, for example.

If you refer to external content, watch the quality of the URLs. Imagine that the link you are sharing has been penalized by Google for bad practices. Check the links and if there is one you don’t trust, don’t put it. Prevention is better than cure.


Do you write posts with little content? Avoid it. Google likes quality content; a minimum of words is necessary to help you position. Besides, if there is more extensive content, users will spend more time on your page.

The minimum words are 300, but it has been found that the more words, the better positioning. The ideal is around 1000 words. Remember, the extension is not everything, it has to be valuable content.

Do not try to always be selling your products or services, have something interesting to retain your customers. If you barely have traffic or hardly share your content, consider changing your content strategy.

Keep in mind that you are not going to get a thousand visits from one day to the next, it is a long way that begins with the search for your interests (you can do it using Google AdWords or Analytics). Talk about what they are looking for and do not just tell the same thing as your competitors, create original, relevant, and, above all, valuable content.


All web pages are coded using the HTML language when it comes to the layout you have to specify and review certain parameters:

  • Meta Title or Main Title: It is included in theand, besides, it must contain the keyword. Also, it will be the title that appears in the searches.
  • The Meta Description Tag: It is one of the most important and most neglected tags in SEO. It is used to describe the content on the page, that is, it is a summary that users read in search results. Like the title, it is also included in theand it is recommended that you include the keywords.
  • H1 Or Main Heading: There can only be one and it is the one where you indicate what you are talking about. In our case, it would be ‘What mistakes you should avoid in SEO’. Besides, you can use subtitles or secondary headings such as H2 – in these it is also recommended to include the keyword, as long as it is natural and not too abrupt-, H3, etc. to make your page more attractive and better organized.
  • ALT Or Alternative Text in The Images: The images you share must have an alternative text that indicates what appears in the image in case it does not load or to facilitate the understanding of people who have a disability. Also, before uploading the images make sure that the file name is related to the content of the texts and the image, not a type name ‘deposit_1234.jpg’.
  • Loading Speed: The time it takes to load a web page is a very important factor that affects your search engine positioning and the experience of your users.

If the page takes a long time to load, users will leave. If not, it not only positively influences your experience but can also help increase conversions.

Google likes pages that load fast, both on desktop and mobile. Make all your pages Google Friendly! The ideal? It takes less than 3 seconds to load. What can you do to get it?

Optimize images so they weigh less without losing quality.

Remove plugins and unnecessary external resources. Yes, we know that they make life a lot easier or that it makes the website more ‘fun’, but (seriously) most of them are expendable.

Check the hosting you have hired, some offer cheap service, but of poor quality, damaging the loading time of your page. It is worth investing in a better hosting that also offers you greater security.

Codify your website in responsive. Currently, most of the searches are through the mobile so, if your page does not adapt correctly to the different devices, no matter how interesting your content is, users will not stay to read them.

In addition to generating a bad experience for the user, you are also damaging your positioning, Google knows if your page is adapted to mobile or not, it is a requirement that it be so.


Words have to be calculated with measure, not only the simple labeling but also the correct relationship with the public. Knowing what your target audience is looking to read is the foundation of the right keywords.

The difference between a good or bad positioning is directly proportional to the degree of knowledge you have of the use of SEO and the details that make it different. Not only must the number of links, keywords, content, and labels that we put into account be taken into account, but the quality of these and their correct disclosure must be prioritized.


It is very important to measure the traffic of your website because otherwise, you will not be able to know how your SEO is or how to improve it. Analytics help us put an end to the typical mistakes that are made when publishing content.


It is important to be aware of the impact that content generates to know if the SEO strategy works correctly. Whether you use specialized software or a simple Excel format, it is vital to have a clear picture supported by statistics. This way you will have enough elements to make decisions and adjust the contents to optimize them or create new ones more in line with what users are looking for.


Concerning the previous point, it is vital that you dedicate time, effort, and even money for promoting keywords that give you tangible results. Although it is correct to bet on positioning yourself with keywords of low popularity, you should not do it if outright visitors are not reaching your website. So, focus on what is worth it. In the end, what you want is to get more clicks and therefore translate into profits.

Keep in mind the importance of offering incomparable value, you can differentiate yourself by offering unique information that no one else owns or simply communicate differently what already exists, either in friendlier formats or that are trendy. You must be willing to try until you find the recipe that works best for you, but don’t stop trying.


Have you ever thought that instead of generating new content you can consider the option of updating what you already have? Maybe this way you avoid repeating posts and incidentally you will improve what is on the page. It is enough that you add a few paragraphs or include videos, what is relevant is to increase the performance of what is already on the page.


To stand out from the crowd, it is essential to have structured data (product information, “how-to…” guides, questions and answers, e-Books), especially if you want to appear on the first page of results. The better the position, the easier it will be for users to consider you as the default option. Even those who are not looking for you directly will know you more easily.

Similarly, it is important that you optimize your site’s internal searches so that people find exactly what they want. Remember that your page is a search engine and you do not want people to leave if they consider that its interface is not friendly.


Do you have a clear idea of ​​what your potential market intends to find? Searching for “cats” but it does not appear the same as “small breeds of cats”. Therefore, you must be clear about what that objective phrase is. Some tools can help you determine which word sets are most frequently entered in search browsers. In this way, you will have a greater degree of certainty when it comes to organizing your content and web positioning.


There is no need to make the mistake of giving away links to websites with little or no credibility. This would affect your image and decrease the credibility of your content. Some links take you to external pages with information on authors that you generally do not know. It is therefore important to specify which links interest you and how they influence consumers’ vision of your identity.


Broken links are the shortest way for your website to gain a bad reputation among search engines. Some of your recommendations are the use of tools to analyze the situation of the links and check them periodically, in order not to error in your SEO.  


Keyword stuffing is the spam technique in the oldest search engines, from Google to the most modest of them. This technique consists of excessively using keywords to rank better than you should.

Keywords are an essential ingredient in SEO, but abusing them causes “empathy” for Google and its algorithm.

Final Words

You already know some of the SEO mistakes you should avoid on your website, so get to work. Remember that organic positioning works daily and that you can combine it perfectly with paid or SEM positioning once you have a strong base. Get in touch with your best SEO company to organize a work session where they evaluate the mentioned points and define a strategy with which you can improve the positioning of your website.

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